How to start an auto repair shop & Succeed

automotive workshop equipment

How to start an auto repair shop & Succeed

Every new mechanic needs to know the automotive workshop equipment required to start and run an auto repair shop. 

And, things get quite uninteresting especially if you’re a highly talented mechanic but you still work your ass off for another person. My take is if you think you are to the task of having your auto repair shop, I think go for it if you love what you do and want to do it for yourself! 

What makes a successful auto repair shop?

If you have gotten a venue already, thank goodness, you’re already on the right track. But, it goes beyond that. 

Opening an auto shop requires the required facilities in addition to the appropriate automotive workshop equipment. To make the best choices, you need to have a solid understanding of workshop equipment. You also need to know the proper ways to operate and maintain various pieces of equipment. 

Have good customer service & interpersonal skills 

As it is for every industry that exists today, people skills are essential. When it comes to starting an auto repair shop the right way, besides having important automotive workshop equipment, you must have good social skills and must show care. 

This is just the icing on the cake. 

Plus, customers will want to use your workshop to fix all their vehicle problems and servicing if you care about your work.  Additionally, save towards having the right tools and automotive workshop equipment to do a wide range of services. 

You must have enough space

To get on and off hoists, customers’ cars require space to drive straight in and out. If the access is too narrow, small, or not enough, there won’t be enough space or room to align the vehicle with the hoist unless the building is quite deep.

Now, the question is what if there isn’t much room to do all that? Good question! If that is the case, you can manually move the car by using rolling jacks that are placed under the tire. These can be used quickly and easily. If your floor is in good shape, you can gently push the car to roll it backward, forward, or sideways.

Good lighting 

There are times you may have to inspect stains on cylinder blocks caused by fluid leaks as you work with your automotive workshop equipment. Places like these in the vehicle are cranny, and you may require a decent natural light source to get a better view of it. 

Why? The result of not checking this is disastrous. If a little hose split or other damage goes unchecked, it could harm the engine or gearbox. Having good natural light cannot be overemphasized as it is necessary for all of these significant visual cues. Sadly, it is one of the most overlooked areas in auto repair shops. 

List of automotive workshop equipment 

For a start, a list of automotive workshop equipment you need includes a hoist, benches, compressor, grease kit, jacks, oil extractor, axle stands, injector cleaner, vehicle lift, brake lathe, press, and air conditioning machine. 

This list of automotive workshop equipment is not exhaustive. 

Always ask old mechanics for directions!

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